Sunday, April 25, 2010

Need to back up to when I was a EMT

So I thought I would take a few words, to tell you about when I was an EMT. When I was in High School, as I said previously I wanted to be a Chiropractor. But I also had a strong urge to help people. I believe it was the summer after I graduated High School, I was working at a local store called Jamesway. Through my check out line came a man that I had recognized and we chatted for a minute. He was just about to break away from the Tabernacle Emergency squad and form a new squad with the Indian Mills Fire Company in Shamong Township. I thought this might be a good opportunity to check this out. So I did, and that Fall entered into EMT school at night Tues. and Thurs, and Sat. I did this while I went to community college pursuing by dream. I loved it, and I became one of the founding members with our hometown EMS squad which was all volunteer. When I first joined, I got to go on calls that were just amazing to me, before I even graduated from EMT school. After I graduated they had me driving, which was really not my cup of tea, but I loved treating patients. I carried my pager around everywhere, I would drive out of our very long driveway (my mom says at 90 mph) and zip down the road with my blue light going round and round, and my CB in hand radioing to the squad building to tell them I was on the way. Since it was volunteer we had "Duty Crew Nights" where we would be on call all night. I would pray on my college test nights that I could study and not be interrupted. But God made those choices, and some nights even at 2-3-4 am I would race down to get that rig and jump in and go. I learned a lot about life, about people, about the problems they had, mental or physical. I made good friends, friends that when I hear their name I think of them and smile. People who always had your back.
This started a new phase in my life. As an EMT I had a new part time paid job. I worked part time Friday nights and Saturday early shift 4:30 am, with you guessed it my now husband Sean! We were a team, we counted on each other, this made us so strong. Our paid job, was a good job too. In the summers I worked full time, and during school part time. The things I didn't like were going into prisons to get the inmates who were sick, and working non-emergency transport in and out of about 50 nursing homes. The smell never leaves your memory. I did this a total of 6 years. This experience set me up to be a great compassionate doctor. And when I get a chance after my kids are grown, I want to do it again.

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